About Hannah

HI FRIEND! I'm Hannah, your sparkle dealer, but you can call me Han!
I'm a lover of all things that make a statement; vintage jewelry being at the top of that list. Hair Candy by Han was born during the pandemic as my passion project turned small business. Creating became my source of joy in a tumultuous, uncertain and strange time. I made every Hair Candy Clip by hand at my kitchen table. I used my vintage jewelry collection to source my gems and made each one-of-one design by hand. I remember the first time I posted my SPARKLE MOMENT of the day, I had an inbox full of dms requesting custom pieces!
I quickly found that creating affordable, unique designs that couldn't be found elsewhere was my niche as the orders started to pour in.
My second creation was Hair Candy Rainbow Earrings which doubled our orders.
Within a year, I quit my day job and went full- time with HCBH. 3 months later, I hired a staff of 3 and my husband quit his day job to come work alongside me to manage our financials and bookkeeping. 
But the real magic is the people. Building and launching a small business during a pandemic was new territory for me. I found that everyone wanted something exciting to look forward to in a very uncertain time. I had the privilege to cultivate a community of beautiful, loving, kind and COURAGEOUS women who love one another so well during a time that was very strange and the world was in an uproar. The community of women who support HCBH are the real magic behind everything we do. We have walked together through exciting seasons, scary ones and everything in between & I wouldn't trade this community for the world.
My hope is that each woman, regardless of their financial situation, can enjoy my line as I curate collections in every price range. I desire for my brand to serve as an affordable luxury with a story. Everything I create is 100% my own design and is protected by US COPYRIGHT.
So I hope when you come here, that you feel welcomed, loved, are fulfilled, encouraged and that your soul will sparkle just a little brighter than before.